Our Budget Token Druid deck list guide for the Rastakhan’s Rumble expansion will teach you how to play this explosive Druid list. This Budget Token Druid guide includes Mulligans, Gameplay Strategy, Card Substitutions, and Combos/Synergies!
Introduction to Budget Token Druid
Token Druid has long been a top-performing Budget Hearthstone deck. Druid has numerous means of generating token minions and building a resilient board. With enough minions in play, area of effect buffs such as Power of the Wild and Savage Roar can quickly finish off opponents.
After such a long dominance of Aggro Token Druids, many players forget that Violet Teacher was once a powerful card in the Token Druid shell. This once forgotten four-drop returns to Druid, now paired with Oaken Summons to more reliably bring Teachers into play to start churning out tokens. Teacher variants of Token Druid typically play a more midrange-y strategy than their aggressive counterparts, but pack plenty of burst with Savage Roar to close out games early.
While this Budget Token Druid does miss out on a few powerful cards, most notably Ultimate Infestation and Malfurion the Pestilent, this deck is still capable of racking up wins on the Standard ladder.
Take a look to see the mulligan guide, a general overview of the play strategy, and recommendations for card replacements.
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The Boomsday Project
This budget version of an old favorite archetype takes advantage of new Treant synergies introduced in The Boomsday Project. Landscaping helps develop tokens onto the board in the early turns without weakening the Oaken Summons pool.
Rastakhan’s Rumble
Like The Boomsday Project, Rastakhan’s Rumble did not introduce too many new options for this token-based Druid deck. The core of the list is centered around strong Druid Classic and Basic set cards. Rumbletusk Shaker provides the lone inclusion from Rastakhan’s Rumble in this deck, offering a resilient body that can be pulled from Oaken Summons. Like the now Wild-exclusive Piloted Shredder, this effect gives midrange decks the ability to maintain board pressure after clears.
Budget Token Druid Mulligan Guide
High Priority Keeps
- Wild Growth – Even in this Token-based deck, ramping early is critical to your gameplan. Keep Wild Growth in just about any matchup.
- Oaken Summons – Recruiting minions from your deck is part of where this deck’s power lies. Playing this card on curve as often as possible is critical.
- Power of the Wild – Many forget that Power of the Wild offers a 3/2 body for two mana. Against aggressive decks, this can help fend off early games minions. When facing control, it can bait out early removal or buff wide boards in the mid game.
- Landscaping – If you miss Wild Growth, especially, it makes sense to hang on to Landscaping so you have something to do at three mana (since you won’t be skipping directly to four).
Low Priority Keeps
- Wrath – Against aggressive decks, hold Wrath to clean up boards. Against slower-developing decks, however, it often winds up dead for a few turns.
- Lesser Jasper Spellstone – Likewise, Spellstones can pick off critical early-game minions but doesn’t do a whole lot when the opponent isn’t committing anything to the board.
- Crypt Lord – Another tool against aggressive decks, Crypt Lord should only remain in your opener to stifle a fast start or because Wild Growth is already in hand.
- Swipe – Other Standard decks right now have the potential to generate a fair amount of token minions themselves. Fortunately, their tokens are quite a bit more fragile than yours and can be cleaned up with a single Swipe.
- Violet Teacher – One of the means of generating token minions, Violet Teacher can remain in hand if you’re confident you can stick her on turn four. Still, it’s often better to pull her from Oaken Summons.
- Spreading Plague – If you know your opponent plans to go wide on board, Spreading Plague is a reasonable keep when paired with mana ramp.
Budget Token Druid Play Strategy
Like many midrange Druid decks, Budget Token Druid wants to ramp early in the game to set up powerful mid-game plays. As such, landing an early Wild Growth makes a huge difference in the realization of your gameplan.
If you miss your ramp (or even if you don’t), the deck still has a fair amount of spot removal to pick off opposing minions at the start of the game.
Turns four through six are really where this deck hits its power curve. Oaken Summons is an MVP in this deck, Recruiting powerful minions directly into play. Likewise, a Spreading Plague can dump several bodies into play at once to receive buffs.
With your board stabilized, Nourish can help you find burst from Savage Roar, Power of the Wild, or even Swipe. Soul of the Forest, on the other hand, can cement your board advantage against most mass removal and maintain pressure going into burst turns.
Once you have a sufficiently wide board, make sure to start counting your damage with both Savage Roar and Power of the Wild. Between these two cards, even lowly 1-attack minions can be legitimate lethal threats.
Budget Token Druid Future Card Replacements
- 2x Rumbletusk Shaker > 2x Ultimate Infestation – Ultimate Infestation is one of the most powerful cards in Hearthstone history and helps this deck maintain card advantage going into the late game.
- 2x Landscaping > 2x Branching Paths – Branching Paths provides some redundancy with Savage Roar and a more lasting attack buff.
- 2x Wrath > 2x Wispering Woods – After casting UI or Nourish for draw, you’re going to have a lot of cards in hand. Wispering Woods leverages this hand advantage into a board full of tokens.
- 2x Crypt Lord >Arcane Tyrant – If we know anything about Hearthstone, it’s that free is good. Casting UI or Spreading Plague into a zero-mana Arcane Tyrant is a massive power spike in this deck.
- 1x Injured Blademaster > 1x Malfurion the Pestilent – Not only does Malfurion provide an incredible late-game value engine, but he brings additional token minions into play.
Budget Token Druid General Replacements
Here’s a list of cards you can add to this deck if you happen to have them or are missing anything in the decklist.
- Tar Creeper – It’s a bit of a toss-up between Tar Creeper and Crypt Lord at the three-mana slot. The former provides a more immediate impact on the board, but the latter has the potential for more long-term value.
- Ironwood Golem – Without Malfurion the Pestilent and Branching Paths in your deck, it can be difficult to enable attacks for Ironwood. Still, the thick Taunt minion is worth considering.
- Druid of the Claw – At five mana, Druid of the Claw offers a high-value minion that doesn’t interfere with Oaken Summons Recruits. In the late game, this minion’s Charge mode can help enable a lethal Savage Roar push.
- Fungalmancer – Fungalmancer loves a wide board state and, like many of the buff spells in your deck, can leverage a favorable board into a massive lead (or a massive amount of damage).
- Sea Giant – Since you’re already flooding the board with tokens in this deck, it could make sense to take advantage of the cost reduction from Sea Giant if you have this Epic minion.
This is hands down the worst deck I’ve played. Having the game make you a random deck is more stable than this.
Don’t expect to get past rank 18 with this garbage
so now that giggling inventor is dead, what should i put in my deck instead?
I swapped mine out for Funglemancer since it’s a great card for wide decks.
Is it worth it to include Biology project in this deck ? If so, which card should I remove ?
What about Tending Tauren? It provides additional Mulchmuncher synergy and can work as another buff for tokens.
I have to strongly disagree with the choice of Injured Blademaster. He brings nothing to the table – no abilities, no tokens, just sits there baiting a quick removal by Ice Lance. I think Crypt Lord is a way supperior choice for a 3-mana minion – it synergizes quite well with all the tokens being summoned and can quickly ramp up it’s hp and require way stronger removal from the oponent and has Taunt that helps stop the early agression.
1. ice lance is wild
2. oaken summons can cheat them with 4/7 stats
You should replace tar creeper with crypt lord
token druid really sucks this expac. i had better luck with the token taunt. not fairing well.
I’ve continued tinkering with the deck, and Malfurion fits in pretty well with the more Taunt-centered minions and Strongshell Scavenger. I’d have to do some adjustments, but I think you could do Taunt Token Druid on a budget as well and be fairly competitive (Bonemare is a common. Insane!). I’ll put together a budget shell for Taunt and share it soon!
Awesome, thank you.
Can’t wait (:
Thanks for the list! A friend of mine started with it and inspired me to try as well. I’m also very curious about your taunt list, having both Malfurion the Pestilent and two Bonemares.
Isn’t argent squire better than moonfire for this deck?
Very possibly. I wanted to have some cheap spells for a big Teacher turn, and nothing is as cheap as free. That being said, Moonfire definitely has spots where it lines up quite poorly. Acherus Veteran is another consideration.
Hey there,
Thanks for the guide.
I got lucky and opened the Malfurion legendary.
Would it be the correct choice to swap it with Webweave?
I’m still trying to figure out how to build the budget decks into the better decks. That is how/when to swap cards without breaking synergy.
Also as an f2p player, would you recommend only sticking with one (budget) deck and upgrading that one or adding eg pirate warrior for variety? First I was thinking about pirate warrior and saving up for patches, because he can be used in this deck aswell. But then I got Malfurion and read here that druid is strong in this expansion (but way more expensive to upgrade).
Congratulations on opening Malf!
My only concern would be cost, as this build does not last into late game very well. I think the immediate board presence it generates and a solid closing ability with the hero power makes it a strong consideration. I would tune the deck to be a little less all-in and more resilient with cards like Living Mana alongside Malf to give it some staying power.
On the F2P plan, it can be hard to split your resources. In general I think it is good to have multiple budget decks because that helps you to complete your daily quests. Going all-in on one deck can make that a lot less fun. That being said, if you know you just absolutely can play one class and not get burned out, you could build up one high-powered deck. It just comes down to preference.
Thank you very much!
Interesting point. Living Mana would hurt the budget/f2p plan, though ;D
But good to know that (:
I see. It’ll be a long process, so I think I’m going to go for (multiple) budget decks. My goal for now is to reach 15/10/5 asap to get the better rewards each season.
Also on reddit someone forecasted which cards will be out when the next rotation hits:
So as it takes time to collect dust (currently just sitting at around only 500) my plan is to build those budget decks first, which will be better and easiest to upgrade once the rotation hits. (This already rules out the pirates