had all the cards expect the quest.. ended up crafting it and honestly, no regrets! . believe it or not but this deck is actually pretty good XD minions that discard your cards are pretty strong or their stats are. and atleast it is wery entertaining to play.
I just made almost this exact deck. Elise is really good here because you run out of cards quickly. The heals are really important too since you’re constantly life tapping. It’s important to play Blood-Queen asap since she gains attacks while on the board, and plus you don’t want to discard her! The quest is fundamentally flawed but it’s fun to play. They need to introduce a mechanic, minion or spell, where when played, cards discarded RETURN to your deck! That’d revolutionize discard decks.
This quest and discard decks burn out and fatigue very fast. Warlock quest is one of the worst in the game. I’m saying it would make discard decks actually amazing if there was a minion that when played, discarded cards return to deck (not hand), instead of just disappearing. Or alternatively a spell, when played, any cards that are discarded that turn return to your deck instead of disappearing.
Pretty good deck !
But why not using Deathwing ? I know it’s quite expensive but it could add real effect to the deck right ?
Good and fun deck to play.
had all the cards expect the quest.. ended up crafting it and honestly, no regrets! . believe it or not but this deck is actually pretty good XD minions that discard your cards are pretty strong or their stats are. and atleast it is wery entertaining to play.
and added that card which has deathrattle “summon a random minion you discarded this game” since i kept discarding lana thel
won 3 in a row lost 7 in a row won 1 and now lost 2… 4/9 at rank 5.. a troll deck but its worthless
good luck against priest and druid, cause those are 2 classes that are played right now
Gul’dan DK with Lakkari portal… ? What?
Against control the DK hero power works well endgame and an instant flood after you got AoE’d.
rank 5 10-1 so far… not bad…
What was his score with this deck and at what rank ?
I just made almost this exact deck. Elise is really good here because you run out of cards quickly. The heals are really important too since you’re constantly life tapping. It’s important to play Blood-Queen asap since she gains attacks while on the board, and plus you don’t want to discard her! The quest is fundamentally flawed but it’s fun to play. They need to introduce a mechanic, minion or spell, where when played, cards discarded RETURN to your deck! That’d revolutionize discard decks.
While we’re at it, would you mustard with that? Or your “mechanic that RETURNs discarded cards to your hand” sandwich is just fine?
This quest and discard decks burn out and fatigue very fast. Warlock quest is one of the worst in the game. I’m saying it would make discard decks actually amazing if there was a minion that when played, discarded cards return to deck (not hand), instead of just disappearing. Or alternatively a spell, when played, any cards that are discarded that turn return to your deck instead of disappearing.