Brian Kibler’s KFT Handbuff Midrange Paladin
- 1Righteous Protector2
- 1Smuggler’s Run2
- 3Grimestreet Smuggler1
- 3Howling Commander1
- 3Rallying Blade1
- 3Wickerflame Burnbristle1
- 4Chillblade Champion2
- 4Grimestreet Enforcer2
- 4Truesilver Champion1
- 5Bolvar, Fireblood1
- 5Spikeridged Steed2
- 6Sunkeeper Tarim1
- 8Ragnaros, Lightlord1
- 8Tirion Fordring1
- 9Uther of the Ebon Blade1
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Do you need Uther here as well? Is it a must?
Gone 8-2 with this so far! The Bolivar divine shield synergy works great if you get the right draws. Have yet to even see the prince in a game though
Well in 4 of my first 5 Games I got to play Keleseth in my first 3 turns – soooooo GOOOD! 5:0 right now
How important is Kelseth here? I’ve seen him in a couple of decks now. Starting to wonder if he is worth the craft. I was under the impression that the Prince cards were considered pretty weak.
Meanstreet Marshall might make some sense here, too. Great synergy with Kelseth.
He’s only managed to even use Keleseth once on stream currently so it’s certainly not essential.
You can probably cut Keleseth and Grimestreet Smuggler and just put in a pair of Grimestreet Outfitters.