Rin and Guldan are key in Control warlock archetype these two card are your win conditions so if you dont Have them play something different. You may try other late game value generating cards like LichKIng, Elise or Ysera but this wont be the same. Rin is such a threat that many warlock kills it with pact to activate its deathrattle.
Just got to legend with this deck. Took ~60 games and had a 65% win rate starting from rank 4. This deck absolutely demolishes paladin and has great win rates against everything except rogue and hadronox druid. The latter is unwinnable unless you burn their hadronox with gnome.
Ive been using a very similar deck this season and its great. Ive literally never lost to an odd or even paladin due to the endless board clearing cards, cubelock and the popular priest decks are about 50/50. People should try this out!
Not 100% needed according to me, but sometimes (15%) it straight up wins you the game due to you milling their win condition – Gul’dan, Jaina, Alex or whatever-.
I removed 1x Possessed Lackey
Just reached legend (EU) with this type of deck.
My deck is slightly different:
– Dark Possession
– 2x Mortal Coil
– 2x Doomsayer
– Voodoo Doll
+ Acidic Swamp Ooze
+ Ironbeak Owl
+ 2x Tar Creeper
+ Siphon Soul
+ 1 more Twisting Nether
Just won against Jaina frost, feels good haha
Replacement for gnome? I Have one butni dont see crafting scond one? I Have few card in mind but i was wondering what your thoughs are?
Tar Creeper,
Tech cards of your choice (owl, bgh, etc.)
any replacement for Rin?
Rin and Guldan are key in Control warlock archetype these two card are your win conditions so if you dont Have them play something different. You may try other late game value generating cards like LichKIng, Elise or Ysera but this wont be the same. Rin is such a threat that many warlock kills it with pact to activate its deathrattle.
Plated Beetle seems too weak to me, should i replace both with something else? Maybe tar creeper?
Just got to legend with this deck. Took ~60 games and had a 65% win rate starting from rank 4. This deck absolutely demolishes paladin and has great win rates against everything except rogue and hadronox druid. The latter is unwinnable unless you burn their hadronox with gnome.
Ive been using a very similar deck this season and its great. Ive literally never lost to an odd or even paladin due to the endless board clearing cards, cubelock and the popular priest decks are about 50/50. People should try this out!
how much do you need gnomeferatu?
Not 100% needed according to me, but sometimes (15%) it straight up wins you the game due to you milling their win condition – Gul’dan, Jaina, Alex or whatever-.
Replacement for Bloodreaver Gul’dan?
Target Dummy!
Not in standard. It would have been too op.