Cube taunt druid gets completely countered by Hex, so just hope you never face a shaman! (aka the meta right now, everyone and their mother is playing shaman)
This is such a gimmicky deck as awesome as the Naturalize cube combo is… i don’t really see you being able to reliably pull off these combos often. what.. you cube Hadronox you get say… two ironwoods, and say 1 applebaum and you Naturallize the cube get two hadronox back so the second hadronox would be super value giving back 4 iron woods and 2 applebaums Though this… is really neat don’t get me wrong.. but Ironwoods.. can you reliably get them to attack on that turn afterwards?, i mean i see the greatness but its a greatness that takes just as long as a Shudderwock set up to do.
It works quite well, actually. Most of the time I would use the first cube, or even both cubes, on Applebaums or the Lich King. Bringing those back at higher numbers if very good. Using witching hour to get more hadronox is usually enough if you are bringing those back more frequently than the golemn. Also, holding a branching path or oaken summons until the end of the game to activate your golemns is not very difficult.
I run the list with the highest winrate on hsreplay.
-1 Oakhart
-2 UI
-1 Harrison
-2 Wrath
+1 Branching
+1 Primordial
+2 Tar Creeper
+2 Ferocious Howl
Save a howl for the scenario you mentioned where you ressurect multiple Ironwoods. Can’t believe Asmodai’s list only has 1 branching paths. It’s a fantastic and versatile card, and a great game finisher after a full board spawn.
This is not Asmodai’s list, the deck was known even before he played it, eg Toast and Dog used it before, even tho he possibly changed 1 or 2 cards, he’s not the original creator.
Well yeah that’s kind of the point. You want to keep reviving Hadronox to get maximum value. If you haven’t drawn Hadronox yet, then you can pull it out of the deck thanks to Master Oakheart. It’s mostly to keep consistency with the plan.
to be fair, Oakheart can theoretically fetch the golems … but I don’t think he’s a necessary inclusion. Witching hour though … endless late game value.
Cube taunt druid gets completely countered by Hex, so just hope you never face a shaman! (aka the meta right now, everyone and their mother is playing shaman)
i haven’t faced a single shaman 3 days now rank 10
hi and thanks for the tips,, but any one help me with mulligain please?
Right time to craft that shit legendary that makes them squirrels xD
just watching savjz playing big spell mage against this deck. Polymorph is almost hard counter. Ship is a beast.
If the person playing the deck doesn’t Naturalize Hadronox the turn it come down… that is true. However, I doubt many people would make that mistake….
It’s a hard counter because sheep is a beast, not because hadronox gets poly’d
This is such a gimmicky deck as awesome as the Naturalize cube combo is… i don’t really see you being able to reliably pull off these combos often. what.. you cube Hadronox you get say… two ironwoods, and say 1 applebaum and you Naturallize the cube get two hadronox back so the second hadronox would be super value giving back 4 iron woods and 2 applebaums Though this… is really neat don’t get me wrong.. but Ironwoods.. can you reliably get them to attack on that turn afterwards?, i mean i see the greatness but its a greatness that takes just as long as a Shudderwock set up to do.
It works quite well, actually. Most of the time I would use the first cube, or even both cubes, on Applebaums or the Lich King. Bringing those back at higher numbers if very good. Using witching hour to get more hadronox is usually enough if you are bringing those back more frequently than the golemn. Also, holding a branching path or oaken summons until the end of the game to activate your golemns is not very difficult.
I run the list with the highest winrate on hsreplay.
-1 Oakhart
-2 UI
-1 Harrison
-2 Wrath
+1 Branching
+1 Primordial
+2 Tar Creeper
+2 Ferocious Howl
Save a howl for the scenario you mentioned where you ressurect multiple Ironwoods. Can’t believe Asmodai’s list only has 1 branching paths. It’s a fantastic and versatile card, and a great game finisher after a full board spawn.
4-0 with your list. Thank you my friend.
This is not Asmodai’s list, the deck was known even before he played it, eg Toast and Dog used it before, even tho he possibly changed 1 or 2 cards, he’s not the original creator.
So the deck runs Oakheart and Witching Hour when their *only* targets are Hadronox? Seems risky to me, but I’ll try it out. Thanks for posting.
Well yeah that’s kind of the point. You want to keep reviving Hadronox to get maximum value. If you haven’t drawn Hadronox yet, then you can pull it out of the deck thanks to Master Oakheart. It’s mostly to keep consistency with the plan.
to be fair, Oakheart can theoretically fetch the golems … but I don’t think he’s a necessary inclusion. Witching hour though … endless late game value.
You can also pull hadronox with oakheart and if you have naturalize and one more mana you can use his deathrattle
Yeah, I know that you can fetch Hadronox. That’s why the deck was built.
I just replied to Mr. Stinkbug who said that Hadronox is the only target for Oakheart.