This deck is great just rush your opponent. I replaced th legendaries: sonya and Leeroy with face collector and muck Hunter. It doesn’t work well against taunt decks but is great for tons of face damage. If played right you win early easily around turn 6 or 7.
Nice deck, turn 2 Weapon is an incredible strong turn, plus the sinergy with Hench Clan on 3rd turn puts huge pressure on your opponent. I made a similar deck, less Face but more Tempo – Midrange, with pirates, if anyone wants to check out
Don’t forget argent squire (doesnt matter that it gets rezzed as a 1/1 bc it has the divine shield still, great value) firefly (the original with the battlecry, not the clone obviously), glacial shard, and the new kobold who shoots 3 random damage. these all provide incredible value, especially because you get the value from trading them into whatever minion you kill them with.
Let’s say you’ve got them poised for lethal, then the Warlock cheats big daddy Voidlord into play. You’ve played all your silence effects, but still have an owl on board. You play Sonya, kill off the owl and suddenly you have a 1 cost silence effect again. Silence the void lord and resume lethal.
Similar things can be done with Vilespine Assassin and SI:7. Kill off the one one board while Sonya is out, get a 1/1 combo replay. That’s the v a l u e.
This deck is great just rush your opponent. I replaced th legendaries: sonya and Leeroy with face collector and muck Hunter. It doesn’t work well against taunt decks but is great for tons of face damage. If played right you win early easily around turn 6 or 7.
For a tempo deck, I get out tempo’d by 75% of my opponents. Which decks is this suppose to be good against?
very bad deck
Any replacements for Sonya? I got all cards except of her and 0 dust for now.
maybe edwin if you have him? lots of cheap cards in this deck. so he might work
The real question is why is there a sinister strike here? i dont really get it.
Odd cost card, it’s 1 mana so you can combo with it if needed, and most importantly extra reach for lethal
Nice deck, turn 2 Weapon is an incredible strong turn, plus the sinergy with Hench Clan on 3rd turn puts huge pressure on your opponent. I made a similar deck, less Face but more Tempo – Midrange, with pirates, if anyone wants to check out
Dog switched Sonya for Wolfrider
Man ur drops are low cost 1-2-3 u dont have card draw and u lose table if dont drop more shit minions
ODD COSTS…. fool….
What is the purpose of sonya shadowcaster in this deck?
If you discover why, tell me please!
v a l u e
Kobold, si7, owl and Vilespine value
Don’t forget argent squire (doesnt matter that it gets rezzed as a 1/1 bc it has the divine shield still, great value) firefly (the original with the battlecry, not the clone obviously), glacial shard, and the new kobold who shoots 3 random damage. these all provide incredible value, especially because you get the value from trading them into whatever minion you kill them with.
To be more specific than saying v a l u e
Let’s say you’ve got them poised for lethal, then the Warlock cheats big daddy Voidlord into play. You’ve played all your silence effects, but still have an owl on board. You play Sonya, kill off the owl and suddenly you have a 1 cost silence effect again. Silence the void lord and resume lethal.
Similar things can be done with Vilespine Assassin and SI:7. Kill off the one one board while Sonya is out, get a 1/1 combo replay. That’s the v a l u e.