Amaz’s Kazakus Renolock Ft. Mistress of Mixtures, Felfire Potion, and Kazakus
- 1Mortal Coil1
- 1Power Overwhelming1
- 2Dark Peddler1
- 3Demonwrath1
- 3Hellfire1
- 3Imp Gang Boss1
- 3Shadow Bolt1
- 4Kazakus1
- 4Shadowflame1
- 4Siphon Soul1
- 6Felfire Potion1
- 8Lord Jaraxxus1
- 8Twisting Nether1
- 1Mistress of Mixtures1
- 2Acidic Swamp Ooze1
- 2Bloodmage Thalnos1
- 2Doomsayer1
- 2Sunfury Protector1
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 3Earthen Ring Farseer1
- 4Defender of Argus1
- 4Faceless Shambler1
- 4Twilight Drake1
- 5Emperor Thaurissan1
- 5Faceless Manipulator1
- 5Leeroy Jenkins1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Sylvanas Windrunner1
- 8Ragnaros the Firelord1
- 12Mountain Giant1
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Yo guys!
can i take Doom as replacement of Twisting Nether?
And whats a good Jaraxxus replacement?
great deck though!
I’m not in love with Doom, but I guess if you have no other option it would work. Abyssal Enforcer for Jaraxxus, but that’s a pretty tough card to replace.
shambler replacement?
Sen’jin Shieldmasta.
What can I replace Bloodmage Thalnos with?
Evident, do you think it would be worth crafting Leeroy and Faceless Manipulator to make this deck? I have everything else and I really like Renolock. Do you think many of the new Renolock decks will include the combo?
If you really like Renolock I would probably craft those two. Leeroy might also have utility in other decks and both cards will likely always be in Standard.
Will this deck still be viable after reno rotates out ?
Great deck ! I’m at 10-0 with it from rank 19 to 14. I swapped faceless shambler for kabal chemist from the start and it’s really smooth. The dragon priest match up seems (power) overwhelming at first but with the right decisions it’s an easy win.
With a kazakus what potions would you be looking for ?
It depends on the situation, but you’ll probably want AOE and the one that summons a large minion.
Why is he not running the Kabal Trafficker? Did he say or did he just forget how good that card is?
It does not draw a card from the deck witch means you are one card farther from reno. If you need late game value in a matchup you have Jaraxus. Adding a random Demon to your hand is not that good of an effect because most demons are not that strong.
Hey Evident, are you sure that you should put the tri-class cards under the class cards? it could confuse some people. If they are actually under the class cards and not the neutral cards im sorry i haven’t had a chance to check yet.
They are under Neutral, but unfortunately it would be pretty difficult to make it function like that on the site.
O really, dang alright, thanks for responding!