If you’re looking for the Standard version of this guide: Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide (Standard)
Warlock Zoo has been a consistent presence on the ladder since the popularization of it by Reynad and his YouTube video introducing the deck. It has changed and evolved a lot since then, even spawning a Midrange version that largely favors Demon synergy. This particular build is a faster iteration that aggressively takes control of the board, and overwhelms your opponent with minions that get consistent value.
One thing to note about Warlock Zoo is that it is not a face deck. The deck excels at quickly out-valuing the opponent and finishing them off with cards like Doomguard and Power Overwhelming. The Warlock Hero Power (Life Tap) aids in consistently having cards to play, while dumping your hand allows you to play cards like Doomguard without losing valuable resources.
Warlock Zoo Deck List Update – April 2016 (Season 24)
Void Terror and Doomguard have largely been cut from the list, and the deck has gotten a bit more aggressive with the addition of Leeroy Jenkins. I’ve seen Argent Squire in for Flame Imp, but that’s really a personal preference. Enhance-o Mechano is another option if you want to cut a Defender of Argus or Leeroy.
Warlock Zoo Mulligan Guide and Strategy
Flame Imp and Dark Peddler are the cards you’re looking for initially. Voidwalker is great at protecting your board against aggressive decks, and Haunted Creeper can protect you from AOE and Weapon classes.
Warlock Zoo Tech Cards
Void Terror can play in this deck and obviously works well with Nerubian Egg. Gormok the Impaler is a decent addition if you have it, but probably isn’t worth crafting yet.
Warlock Zoo Card Substitutions (Replacements)
Keep in mind that replacements for cards are rarely ever going to be perfect. It’s usually easiest to try and come close to what the card accomplishes, or double up an already existing card in the deck.
You might find cards here that aren’t in the deck, this means they were in the deck previously and have been left in case they come back in the deck. They also works as substitutions for cards that are currently in the deck!
- Leeroy Jenkins: If you aren’t already playing Doomguard than you can use that instead. Enhance-o Mechano and Arcane Golem are other possibilities.
- Gormok the Impaler: This card picked up in popularity after LOE was released with Flood Zoo. It’s more of a fringe Legendary, so not having it is understandable. A common replacement for Gormok is Sea Giant. You could also double up Defender of Argus or go with a Piloted Shredder.
- Sea Giant/Brann Bronzebeard: Second Dire Wolf Alpha, Defender of Argus or Piloted Shredder.
- Dark Peddler: If you’re missing LOE then you can try either Argent Squire or Leper Gnome. Echoing Ooze is also an option and has good synergy with Gormok or Sea Giant.
- Doomguard: This will make the deck harder to play, but you could substitute it with Argent Commander.
Warlock Zoo Combos and Synergies
This deck is all about combos and synergies! Abusive Sergeant, Dire Wolf Alpha, and Power Overwhelming work great with Nerubian Egg and Void Terror. Imp-losion and Imp Gang Boss increase your board presence and help lower the cost of Sea Giant.
is there a replacement for haunted creeper?
Possessed Villager.
Has anyone else tried Shadowflame? It has really good synergy with Power Overwhelming and helps deal with the enemys board when it gets out of hand.
Replacement for sea giant?
Enhance-o Mechano, Dark Iron Dwarf, or Piloted Shredder.
substitution -1 Leeroy Jeckins +1 Arcan Golem ???
That’s fine.
I added a Lorewalker Cho because you don’t run many spells and it prevents some early game counters. Against Paladin it’s sweet to see his hand full of secrets which will not be played.
What card did you remove?
Sounds like a sweet idea to be honest. Would add cho for sure if I had him lmao
Thoughts on BGH?
Zoo tends to use its cheap minions to clear large minions, BGH would have a tendency to sit in your hand. You also have Ironbeak Owl to get passed any problematic taunt minions.
I wonder if Cho wouldn’t slow down this fast deck?
No, I dont think that it is a good replacement, because they fullfil diffrent purposes.
Leeroy Jenkins is a replacement for Doomgard, Its always your last finisher in your hand( Fatal damage Combo with Poweroverwhelming).
Gormock on the Other hand is a completly diffrent Card.
He can be played on turn 4 as a good filler even if you dont have 4 minions on the board
But he is also slipping into the role of a good tempo play to dominate the board again.
Either way a stable card but harmonises more with flood Zoo ( Argent Sqirre+ Seeker)
Conclusion: If you want to put Gormock in your deck, do it.
If you have no Leeroy put a Doomgard or two in.
That’s probably fine.
How far up the ladder can you get with this deck?
ok thx
What about Sylvannas? Much synergy with void terror.
Sylvanas is a bit slow for a more aggro based list, it might work better in Midrange Demon Zoo.
-1 Brann + 1 Argus
I definetly disagree with that,
sure there are some arguments about Argus especially in the Meta right now ( Midrange Druid)
but there are other slots .
Brann is a must, and cant be replaced by far
In my opinion “Void Terror” is too much, Ive been playing zoo a lot and still do.
There are a lot of situations where VT is a good play, especially the combo Power over whelming and VT brings a lot of fun.
But I found out that it is too slow for the most Matchups and it has too many counters (BGH)
it talks about gormok and what to replace it with but its not shown in the decklist? should it be in or not preferbly?
Gormok was in a previous version of the deck. He can be used in place of Sea Giant or Brann Bronzebeard. I wouldn’t say it should be in preferably, but it’s a good card.
Hey, I just wanted to add that I as a new player really like this deck because the mass of this deck is easily buildable. I had around 850 dust (I had some cards already) and now I am only missing the cards that are from the solo adventures. I still win a lot of the games ( most of the ones I don’t win I lose to legendaries).
So I recommend trying to build that if you’re new to hearthstone and not willing to dump a ton of money in to it at first.
I replaced the Dark Peddler with Lance Carrier and a Giblin Stalker
The Imp Gang Boss with two Shattered Sun Clerics. For the two legendaries I threw in a Sense Demons and Muklas Champion. There is probably room for optimization there, any tips welcome (I’ll try to get the other cards as fast as I want to).
best regards
Do you think that the deck will work better with the change
– Void Terror + Sea Giant
Because i think that Sea Giant is better in the current meta game
That’s a fine change, I would be a bit worried that Sea Giant could potentially stick in your hand, but I guess Void Terror sometimes has that issue.
This deck is really great ! Good job !
Hi! Is there any replacement for Sea Giant ?
Second Dark Iron Dwarf.
Enhance-O-Mecano is a good sub for Gormok. Especially with Brann his impact can be great!
but happens fairly rare
I have had absolutely no success with this deck whatsoever.
I swapped out sea giant for dr. boom and dropped void terror for piloted shredder. I had no situation where I was even remotely ahead to feel confident playing void terror, especially knowing it was likely to be CC’d in some way.
Doomguard can be extremely damaging to tempo if you’re slightly behind.
Maybe I’m not sure how to play the deck exactly but I’m getting way out tempo’d by every class, especially control decks.
Bro this deck works like a charm, void terror and doomguard are brutal in the deck.. you should look on youtube or twitch for someone playing this deck so you can learn how to use it
I whould say that Brann zoo is the strongest Deck with an overall raltivly good matchup against most classes
sure it has freezmage as a counter but the more Agro version of the deck has almost a winrate of 50%
Talking about Doomgard and Voidterror, they are of course cards with a drawback but if you learn how to play those two cards affectivly against matchups like freezmage you kill them with ridiculous Power
Personally I whould recommend to replace voidterror with a second argus, just because of Druids combo right now
Vs control decks you keep hands that has value creatures like spiders egg peddler. 2 for 1s.
vs mid range and aggro you keep creatures and pumps. the idea vs other creature decks is to play a creature. kill there creature but yours lives. use a dmged minion – pump kill there bigger creature.
you trade only when you need to but mostly you pump your small 2 for 1 creatures and they eventually lose hand pressure while youre doing good.
Vs control its hard. You need spiders eggs peddler to keep tempo when they clear your board.
Is there anything to replace Nerubian egg?
I’d try Flamejuggler and a second Dire Wolf Alpha.
Nerubian egg is a key card against Renolock and freezemage
You can not replace it but if you have do not have this card I whould put Anoy-o-tron in
does EVERYONE pay money for these adventures? seems like i’m only of the only who doesnt
What should we use to replace Loatheb once the new Standard mode drops and we can’t use Implosion or Loatheb.
Imp Gang Boss Replacement ?
Isn’t actually Jeweled Scarab better than Imp Gang Boss ?
No, Imp Gang Boss can guarantee you a minion on board which is important when you have cards like Abusive Sergeant and Power Overwhelming. Harvest Golem is a possible replacement.
Thank you b0ss
very good ,we play with this.
The best substitution for Gormok is Sea Giant? Right?
It’s a solid one, there’s also Piloted Shredder as an option.
See Giant is much better than Gormok the impaler.
depends on , but yes in our current Meta you are right
So, I’ve been playing Zoo since summer, so would it be a mistake if I crafted Gormok (i have the other cards). I already crafted top tier legendaryes ( Dr. Boom, Sylvanas) and I’m wondering if i should craft Gormok or save a bit for Secret Paladin… Thoughts?
I would go with Secret Paladin if that’s something you really want to play. I don’t think Gormok is a necessity in this deck.
I can change Gormok for Sylvanas? Or maybe Dr. Boom?
One of those would work, but you could also just throw in Piloted Shredder.
Hey can i ask if King Mukkla would fit in a zoo deck like that?
It has merit, but I haven’t seen much of King Mukla in a long time. This is the type of deck he’d fit into though.