Anomalies Return to Standard and Wild, Starting Today!

Blizzard just dropped an unexpected blog post. It looks like Anomalies (first introduced before TITANS expansion with Cho'gall, Twilight Chieftain) are back in Constructed temporarily, starting today.

The list of potential Anomalies is much shorter than it was, with most of them speeding up the gameplay.

The Anomalies will appear in 100% of Standard, Wild, and Practice matches for a week. If one (or both) of the players run Cho’gall, there might be two Anomalies present at once.

Find out more, including the full list of Anomalies, in the blog post below:

The denizens of Azeroth are clamoring to the Spiral Isles by zeppelin, ship, or dragon, for the launch of Perils in Paradise. How will you beat the crowds?! Luckily, we have a surprise for you: tickets on Yogg Air, the fastest airline in Azeroth. On this flight, you’ll experience Anomalies that speed up your games so the wait for the expansion launch flies by.


Enjoy Speedier Hearthstone with Yogg Air

Anomalies return to Standard and Wild this week, bringing us the following in-flight entertainment:

  • Uncontrollable Growth: Both players start with an extra Mana Crystal.
  • Fast Track: Reduce the Cost of all cards in both players’ starting hands by (1).
  • Army of the Corrupted: The first minion played on each player’s turns costs (1) less.
  • Spread of Corruption: The first spell played on each player’s turns costs (1) less.
  • Driven to Greed: Whenever a player ends their turn with unspent Mana, they get a Coin.
  • Driven to Excess: Whenever a player ends their turn with unspent Mana, they draw a card.
  • Opportunity Knocks: The first card drawn on a player’s turn is one they can afford to play.
  • Shifting Fate: Both players start with a Gear Shift in their hand.
  • Light in the Dark: Both players’ Hero Powers costs (1) less.
  • Gift of Gluttony: Both players start with two more drawn cards.
  • Your Eyes Betray You: Both players’ cards are Golden.

During this week, one Anomaly will appear in 100% of games of Standard, Wild, and Practice (with the option of a second Anomaly if one or both players have Cho’gall, Twilight Chieftain in their deck(s)). Hold on tight, we’re in for an eventful ride!


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A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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  1. MrSimoes
    July 3, 2024 at 6:25 am

    First, the return of beloved Odd and Even decks, and now this love letter from Blizzard. I truly love my opponent playing a spell for 1 mana less each turn, while I play my Magatha deck.

  2. Strangiii
    July 2, 2024 at 10:18 am

    Oh boy, one week certainly is two weeks too long.